We looked at 10 male houseguests we would like to see in a future Big Brother All-Stars season, now let’s look at 10 competitive women who would make for great entertainment in our favorite house in a theoretical Big Brother 30.
Chelsie Baham, Big Brother 26
A 27-year-old non-profit director from Rancho Cucamonga, Chelsie became the first woman to play a Perfect Game—no eviction votes against, win by unanimous vote—in Big Brother US history on Big Brother 26. Chelsie beat ally Makensy Manbeck in the Final 2 on Day 90 by a 7-0 vote to take home the $750,000 grand prize.
Chelsie won four HoHs (Week 2, Week 8, Day 73, Week 12), had one Arena win (Week 5), was nominated twice (Week 5 and Week 13), and pretty much ruled the house from behind the scenes. No future Big Brother All-Stars would be complete without Chelsie (or Team Ants).
Maggie Ausburn, Big Brother 6
On our Big Brother All-Stars dream wish list is Maggie, the winner of Big Brother 6 who was 26 when she entered the house as an ER nurse from Las Vegas. One of the most underrated BB players ever, Maggie was a member of The Friendship Alliance and had Eric Littman as her secret partner.
Maggie defeated Ivette Cordero in the Final 2 by a 4-3 vote, winning $500,000. She had one HoH win (Week 4), one veto win (Day 62), was nominated four times (Week 3, Week 7, Week, 10, Week 11), and was part of an all-women Final 2 with Ivette (and 3 with Janelle Pierzina).
Felicia Cannon, Big Brother 25
One of the most likable houseguests in recent Big Brother US memory, Felicia was a 63-year-old real estate agent from Kennesaw, Georgia when she played two seasons ago. Felicia finished in fourth place (Day 96) with Jag Bains winning that season. She was allied with mother-and-son Cirie and Jared Fields.
Felicia had one HoH (Week 3) and was nominated a record 8 times (Week 1, Week 6, Week 9, Week 10, Week 11, Day 86, Week 13, Week 14). She would be a great All-Star and make great TV as she did on her season, telling production what groceries to buy and keeping food stashed in her robe pockets.
"“I get hungry from all this damn conversation.” —Felicia"
Jun Song, Big Brother 4
Another season winner, Jun captured Big Brother 4 in another all-women Final 2 with Alison Irwin in a season that featured the Ex-Factor Twist which paired Jun with her ex, Jee. A 26-year-old investment manager when she played her first BB in 2003, Jun is now 49 and lives in Belgium.
Jun would make a great player for such a season, with her wit, competitiveness, and experience. She won one HoH (Week 8), one veto (Week 6), was nominated for eviction three times (Week 4, Week 9, Week 10), and was part of the Girl Power Alliance, beat Alison in the Final 2 by a 6-1 vote and won the $500,000 grand prize.

Claire Rehfuss, Big Brother 23
Claire and ally Derek Xiao—one of the 10 men on our Big Brother All-Stars dream wish list—were a good combination on Big Brother 23 although she finished in 8th place (Day 54) while Derek was 10th (Day 51).
But the two would go on to play on The Amazing Race 34 where the dynamic duo won the season and the cool $1,000,000. So these two are truly All-Stars in that sense and would be seen as a couple that likely would need to be broken up early on.
Rubina Bernabe, Big Brother 26
Another former Big Brother houseguest with a love interest from inside the BB house, Rubina found love and laughs with Tucker Des Lauriers, another dream All-Star houseguest. Rubina entered the house as a 35-year-old event bartender from Los Angeles.
With her bubbly personality, Rubina, who finished in 4th place (Day 87) on Big Brother 26, and was loyal to Tucker, Kimo, and T’kor, would make for fun viewing, especially with Tucker. She won no HoHs or PoVs but one Arena (Week 7) and was nominated 6 times (Week 4, Week 7, Week 9, Day 73, Week 11, Week 12).
Taylor Hale, Big Brother 24
Another past Big Brother winner, Taylor would have to be on an All-Stars season or it would defeat the purpose of having such an epic season. By winning Big Brother 24, Taylor won the $750,000 grand prize as well as the $50,000 America’s Favorite Houseguest, making her the biggest cash winner in a single-season with $800,000.
Taylor, now 30, defeated runner-up Monte Taylor in an 8-1 vote and had two HoH wins (Week 6, Week 11), won no vetoes, and was nominated six times (Week 1, Week 2, Week 4, Week 8, Week, 10, Week 12) and the Michigander also snagged a 7-day cruise.
Taylor, also appeared on Big Brother: Reindeer Games where she finished in 2nd place.
Jodi Rollins, Big Brother 14
All hardcore Big Brother fans would love to see Jodi back after she was quickly voted out first her season after spending just eight hours in the house. Jodi was a member of team Dan (Gheesling), and because Dan’s team lost on premiere night, Dan had to vote out one of his players and he went with Jodi.
Jodi is now 54, but this choice would provide a chance at redemption and some actual screen time although it would be hard to see her winning such a season. If there was ever a First-out that deserves a second shot at the game, it’s Jodi.
Angela Murray, Big Brother 26
Angela achieved a strange cult status among some Big Brother fans, and it’s hard to ignore the appeal of her ability to shake things up in the house on Big Brother 26, survive, and be able to make something out of nothing, potentially the peril of fellow HG’s games.
Like Felicia, Jun, and Maggie, Angela (51) would provide an older player and one fans liked to watch both on the prime time show and the Live Feeds. Angela won two HoHs (Week 1, Week 4), one veto (Week 9), and was nominated seven times (Week 2, Week 3, Week 6, Week 7, Week 8, Week 10, Day 73) and she finished in 6th place, lasting longer than most thought.

America Lopez, Big Brother 25
America was known for her relationship with housemate Corey Wurtenberger, and this now 29-year-old from Brooklyn had 0 HoH wins and 0 PoVs and was nominated four times (Week 7, Week 11, Week 12, Day 86). She was evicted on Day 86 (6th place) by an 8-1 vote.
So why would America make a good choice? Her ability to be outspoken and her outgoing nature made her good TV in a season devoid of big personalities outside of Felicia. It would also round out the women with five younger players (Chelsie, America, Taylor, Rubina, and Claire) and five older women (Maggie, Jun, Felicia, Jodi, and Angela).