Survivor 47 episode 8 recap: He's all that

Here's all that took place on episode 8 of Survivor 47. Did your favorite get voted out?
“He’s All That” – The classic SURVIVOR auction is back with a twist! One castaway bites into a little more than food, which leads to a game-changing opportunity. Then, another wild tribal council results in the first member of the jury, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, Nov. 6 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on-demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the day after the episode
“He’s All That” – The classic SURVIVOR auction is back with a twist! One castaway bites into a little more than food, which leads to a game-changing opportunity. Then, another wild tribal council results in the first member of the jury, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, Nov. 6 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on-demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the day after the episode

Episode eight kicks off at the Beka camp on night 13. Rachel returns to camp alone following the tribal council where she played her "safety without power" advantage which was unbeknownst to her, sent to her by Sol. The rest of the tribe returns following tribal and discusses the events of the tribal council and are all wondering who gave Rachel the advantage.

Sol reveals to Rachel that he sent her the advantage to save her. He also intends to form an alliance with Rachel and wants to keep it secret.

Sam touches base with Rachel and says he wants to work with the former Lavos in a majority alliance to wipe out the former Tuku tribe.

The Survivor Auction

On day 14, Caroline leads the entire tribe out into the woods to read a message left for them. It is announced that the Survivor auction will be taking place. Scattered throughout the jungle are bamboo shoots with cash that will be used in the auction. Everyone goes out to look.

As the auction begins, Jeff reveals all of the monetary amounts collected, announcing that the person with the most money remaining at the end of the auction will lose their vote at the tribal council.

Item 1: Sol spends $60 for chips and salsa.

Item 2: Teeny spends $640 (all of her money) for mac 'n cheese.

All of the remaining items are hidden and money is spent blindly.

Item 3: Sierra spends $800 revealed to be chips, salsa, guacamole and a margarita.

Item 4: Kyle spends $560 on buffalo wings, celery, carrots, and ranch dip. Kyle, who is a vegetarian, chooses to eat the wings after six years without meat.

Item 5: Gabe spends $660 and is given the option to stay or trade for another item. Gabe stays and wins a coconut filled with water.

Item 6: Sol spends $540 revealed to be an apple pie with whipped cream and is given an additional $60.

Item 7: Rachel spends $500 revealed to be a cheeseburger and fries. Rachel finds a note in her fries and hides it when no one is looking.

Item 8: Genavive spends $440 and receives a dessert platter.

Item 9: Jeff unveils a large breakfast platter with a cost of $200 to compete for it. Sam, Sue, Caroline, and Sierra put in for it. The competition is a Survivor classic, first to east two live grubs wins. Sierra opts out, Sam finishes the fastest and wins.

Item 10: Sue spends $380 and gets a burrito and iced tea.

Item 11: Caroline spends $280 and the item is revealed to be fish eyes.

Item 12: Sierra spends $260 on the item, which she can share with two others for three minutes. She chooses Gabe and Sue, the item is chocolate and peanut butter.

The auction is over, leaving Sam with $260, which is the most money. He will not have a vote at the upcoming tribal council.

The Immunity Idol

Rachel reads the note that was hidden in her fries at the auction. The note tells Rachel the location of an immunity idol hidden at the corner of the tarp at camp. Rachel inspects the tarp and tries to figure out the best way to go about retrieving the idol.

Sierra discusses with some former Lavo tribe members about targeting former Tuku, specifically Kyle as the first target. Viewing him as the biggest competition threat. Genevive, however, wants to get rid of a former Gata member and discusses it with Sue and Caroline, hoping to target Rachel.

We then cut back to Rachel, who in the middle of the day, with everyone at their shelter, takes a risk to get the immunity idol from the tarp and is successful in doing so without being detected.

The Immunity Challenge

For this week's immunity challenge, everyone must hold onto a handle that is connected to a bucket containing 25 percent of their starting body weight, with the longest to hold on being the winner. One woman and one man will win immunity.

Sue is the first to win immunity, defeating all of her female tribemates. This leaves just Andy and Kyle from the men, Kyle eventually wins and takes home his third straight individual immunity.

With Kyle and Sue now safe, the tribe discusses the remaining former Tuku available to be voted out, which is now only Gabe and Caroline. They come to the decision that Gabe is now going to be the target.

Andy feels like he is being used by Sierra and Sam and wants to part ways with them and starts making moves in an attempt to oust his former Gata tribemates. This results in discussions of flipping the vote away from Gabe and onto Sierra. Teeny, however, would prefer Sam to be voted out over Sierra and pushes for that instead.

Tribal Council: Sierra is voted out this week

Jeff asks the group by a show of hands who feels uncomfortable that they can be completely wrong about how the vote goes. Everyone raises their hand. The votes are cast and tallied, before the vote is revealed, Jeff asks, as per usual, if anyone has an advantage or idol they would like to play. Rachel plays her "shot in the dark" advantage, however, it does not go her way as she is marked as "not safe," and any votes against Rachel will count.

The votes are revealed. Four votes for Sam, four votes for Sierra, and one vote for Gabe. On the revote, Sam still cannot cast a vote, and neither can Rachel due to playing her "shot in the dark." Everyone votes again for either Sam or Sierra and the re-vote is revealed. With five votes for Sierra and one vote for Sam, Sierra is voted out of the game, making her the first member of the Survivor season 47 jury. It is shown post-credits that the re-vote was 8-1 to vote Sierra out of the game.