Survivor 47 episode 4 recap: "Is that blood in your hair?"

“Belly of the Beast” – Tensions run high as tribemates begin to get on each other’s last nerve at camp. Three castaways go on a journey and make a big decision that will impact the game. Then, in the challenge, tribes must climb their way to the top to earn a reward that will provide comfort at camp as well as safety in the game, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, Oct. 2 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+* (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME
“Belly of the Beast” – Tensions run high as tribemates begin to get on each other’s last nerve at camp. Three castaways go on a journey and make a big decision that will impact the game. Then, in the challenge, tribes must climb their way to the top to earn a reward that will provide comfort at camp as well as safety in the game, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, Oct. 2 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+* (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME /

Episode 4 of season 47 of Survivor kicks off at the Lavo beach following the tribal council and Aysha's elimination.

Sol is blindsided by Aysha being voted out and surprised that Rome is still there. Sol was also caught off guard that a vote was cast against him. Teeny reveals that it was she who voted for Sol and explains to him why she did so. Rome very brashly speaks about the tribal council going exactly as expected and is very confident that Sol will be the next member of Lavo to go.

Where each tribe stands at the start

We then cut to Gata, celebrating their victory in the immunity challenge with a horrible rap from Sam. Sierra is worried about how others are perceiving her relationship with Sam and that others have even thought they were "dating," because they both have relationships back home. All three girls in the tribe, Anika, Sierra, and Rachel, come together and align themselves under the name "the breadwinners."

Finally, we head to Tuku. Gabe talks to Sue and Sue explains that she feels she's being underestimated as an older woman in the game. Sue lies about her age to the tribe, saying she is 45, but she's actually 58; she also says she is hiding her profession as a pilot and reveals she has been secretly hunting for an idol.

Sue finds the "beware advantage" and opens it immediately; she follows the directed path and finds the idol. The idol falls from the tree it is in and red paint splatters everywhere. Sue finds a full-powered immunity idol that can be used until the final five and not just for a short period of time like the other idols that have been found this season. Sue tries to clean up the paint that is now all over her, but before she can do so, her tribemates find her at the watering well, they think Sue has blood on her and are visibly confused. Sue poorly lies about what happened, the others are very suspicious.

For Lavo, the entire tribe is openly searching for the new immunity idol in play following Rome's use of his in the most recent tribal council. Rome tells Sol that he shouldn't be looking for an idol and that he will be the next to be voted out if he doesn't stop. Sol continues to search for an idol and Rome follows Sol everywhere he goes to make sure that Sol does not look for an idol and refuses to give him any space, despite Sol asking him to. The rest of Lavo is not very fond of the way Rome is handling the situation and how he is treating Sol. Sol and Genevieve form an alliance.

The Gata tribe finds Andy's "shot in the dark" and they drop it on the beach floor. Sam goes to Andy and warns him about what happened. Sierra claims to have reservations about working with Andy, as he is such a sloppy player, but still decides to reveal her "breadwinners" alliance to him. Andy then goes to Sam and lets him know about his conversation with Sierra and about the all-girls alliance. Sam is concerned that Sierra didn't tell him first and confronts her. Sam and Sierra also discuss the direction they want to head in moving forward in the game, Sam wants to keep Andy around, but Sierra still has her reservations.

The immunity challenge

We then cut to the immunity challenge. All three tribes come together and it is revealed to the other tribes that Aysha was voted out at the last tribal council. This week's immunity challenge consists of rolling a heavy metal cube in order to retrieve bags that are filled with sandbags and pieces of a frame; the tribes then must construct the frame and throw sandbags through it onto a barrel, after landing the pair of sandbags they then must move heavier bags filled with sand onto a platform and dig for a key to unlock a rope, which leads to the final puzzle. Outside of immunity, the first prize is three egg-laying hens, second prize is six eggs from the hens; losers will head to the tribal council.

Gata finishes first, Tuku takes second place and Lavo finishes last again, not even constructing a single piece of the puzzle and will head to the tribal council for a second week in a row.

Immediately following the challenge, another journey is announced by Jeff. One survivor from each tribe will go off once again. Andy, Teeny, and Caroline are chosen to go.

Back at Lavo camp following the immunity challenge, the tribe discusses the upcoming tribal council. Rome ponders using his "steal a vote" this week to ensure that Sol will be the one voted out, but wants to save for the merge, still wondering how to deal with Sol's "shot in the dark." Rome goes to Sol and tells him he will be next to go, but that he will use his "steal a vote" to save Sol only if Sol gives him his "shot in the dark" in return. Sol does not like this and feels Rome is threatening him and refuses to go along with this, the two get into it again. The rest of the tribe is deliberating if they want to vote out Rome or Sol, Kishan is leading the charge to flip the vote and get rid of Rome.

We next go to Andy, Teeny, and Caroline on their journey. The three discuss the inner workings of their separate tribes and give each other some information. They are directed to turn over a sand timer and read a note. One of them has to lose a vote at their next tribal council in order for all of them to receive an advantage; if they do not come to an agreement on who will give up their vote before the sand timer is up, they will all lose their vote at their next tribal council.

The amulet idols

Despite having to go to tribal that same night, Teeny decides to give up her vote. The three are awarded an amulet idol, the amulet idols have no power until all of the players holding them are on the same beach and need to be played together to protect the same person. Two amulets can be played the same way as three. However, if there is only one amulet remaining, it becomes a full-powered immunity idol.

The three then return to their respective beaches, they all reveal the amulets and Teeny lets the Lavo tribe know that she lost her vote in order to get the amulet. The Lavo tribe fills Teeny in that the plan is to vote out Rome. Rome tells Genevive that Kishan threw her name out there as the decoy vote, Genevive does not like that and no longer wants to go along with the plan to vote Rome out. Genevive reveals to Rome that Kishan came up with a plan to vote him out; she then goes to Sol to try to convince him to get rid of Kishan instead of Rome, but Sol refuses. Rome then comes to Sol and apologizes for the way he has acted.

Kishan is voted out this week

We head to the tribal council. Jeff once again discusses the failure of Rome during the puzzle in the immunity challenge. Sol lets everyone know that Rome aggressively came to him and said he would use his "steal a vote" advantage but only if Sol gave over his "shot in the dark." Rome agrees that his approach was poorly executed and lets the others know he apologized to Sol. The rest of the tribe discusses the possibilities of what can happen in the vote with all of the current variabilities at play.

Rome plays his "steal a vote" and chooses to steal Kishan's vote, which catches a few of the tribe members by surprise, as they expect him to steal Sol's vote. The votes are placed and then revealed. Kishan receives three votes, which is enough to be voted out of the tribe. During the credits, it is shown that Kishan was voted out 4-0.
