Casting my dream Big Brother: All-Stars 3 cast (Women addition)

We take a look at the 10 women to consider for a dream Big Brother: All-Stars 3 cast. Did your favorite make the cut?
Taylor Hale, houseguest on the CBS original series BIG BROTHER, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. -- Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS ©2022 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Taylor Hale, houseguest on the CBS original series BIG BROTHER, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. -- Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS ©2022 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

This list is a continuation of my dream casting for a Big Brother: All-Stars 3 season. The first half of the cast included all the men I would like to see as a part of the potential cast, this list will consist of the 10 women that made the cut.

As a reminder, I do want to preface this list as I did with part one by saying - this is my personal dream casting for a future all-stars season, I know it may not be realistic whatsoever, as a few of these players likely have no intention of returning to Big Brother, but we are just going to have some fun with it and pretend that none of these complications exist.

As in the first season of Big Brother: All-Stars, we will have 20 potential returning houseguests, 16 of which will be voted into the house by America. Below are the 10 women I would like to see return to the game!

Season 25 House Tour
"Season 25 Opening" -- Coverage of the CBS Original Series BIG BROTHER, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. Pictured: Danielle Reyes, Big Brother 3 Alumni Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS ©2023 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Danielle Reyes

From a very early point in Big Brother, Danielle Reyes was viewed as the best female player of all-time. Unfortunately, for Danielle, Big Brother season 3 jury members viewed the entire show from home and were not sequestered as we see today; Danielle's confessionals rubbed some of her fellow contestants the wrong way and she fell victim to the first bitter jury of Big Brother. The change to the jury was made shortly after in season 4, but it was clear that Danielle deserved to be the show's first female winner; instead, she finished as the runner-up.

Danielle's savvy and gamesmanship in season 3 earned her a coveted spot in Big Brother's first all-star outing, finishing in sixth place, falling victim to a "Chilltown" plan to evict her. We haven't seen a full-fledged return to Big Brother from Danielle quite yet but did see a short-lived appearance from her on Big Brother: Reindeer Games. There would be no time better to see a return from one of the game's best female players than in the next iteration of all-stars.

BIG BROTHER Sunday, July, 10 (8:00 – 9:00 PM ET/PT on the CBS Television Network and live streaming on Paramount+. Pictured: Taylor Hale. Photo: CBS ©2022 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Highest quality screengrab available.

Taylor Hale

Taylor Hale is the season 24 winner of Big Brother, becoming the first African-American woman to win the game. Taylor would also be crowned America's Favorite Houseguest, becoming the first winner to take home that title as well. Following her victory, Taylor has become a very high-profile player in the Big Brother universe. While it has only been two years since her win, Taylor has already appeared on Big Brother: Reindeer Games, where she was the runner-up, and was the new jury roundtable host for season 26 of the show.

In season 24, Taylor was not well-liked early on in the game, being nominated for eviction three of the first four weeks and six times in total; despite this setback, Taylor fought her way back into the game, using her social skills to put herself in a position to succeed, being a part of the powerhouse alliance of the season "The Leftovers." Taylor used her story of resilience throughout the season in her final speech to the jury, making it clear that she would win the game, which she would by an 8-1 vote. We will definitely be seeing Taylor back in the Big Brother house, vying for her second win, another all-star season could be the perfect setting for that to take place.

Kaycee Clark in the Big Brother house. BIG BROTHER, celebrating it's 20th season, follows a group of people living together in a house outfitted with 94 HD cameras and 113 microphones. BIG BROTHER will air on Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00PM, ET/P/T) and on Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Johnny Vy/CBS copyright 2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Kaycee Clark

Kaycee is another winner who has only made one single appearance on Big Brother thus far. Kaycee was set to return to Big Brother as a part of season 22 but would be cut from the cast due to a false-positive COVID-19 test. The season 20 winner has, however, gone on to compete in multiple seasons of MTV's The Challenge.

In her season 20 run, Kaycee was a part of the season's dominant alliance "Level Six" and would lay pretty low and would not find herself in any trouble until halfway through the game, which is around the point where she would turn it up as a competitor. Kaycee would win two of the final five Head of Household competitions and five of the final six Power of Veto competitions, cementing herself as one of the game's best competitors ever, alongside her final two companions, Tyler Crispen. In a very close 5-4 vote, it was Kaycee who would win over Tyler due to her late-game ability, the fact that she brought Tyler to the final two, and that she had played the more honest game overall. Bringing Kaycee back for a shot at a second title only makes sense.

BIG BROTHER announced today the 16 all-new Houseguests who will embark on the 23rd season of the series when they move into the "BB Beach Club" during the live 90-minute premiere event Wednesday, July 7 (8:00-9:30 PM, live ET/delayed PT) on the CBS Television Network. The show will also be available to stream live and on demand on the CBS app and Paramount+, where fans will also be able to watch the 24/7 live feed and find exclusive content throughout the season. Pictured: Tiffany Mitchell

Tiffany Mitchell

Tiffany was perhaps the most strategically savvy member of "The Cookout" alliance in season 23 of Big Brother. One of the founding members of the dominant alliance, Tiffany was able to create the master plan, having each "Cookout" member use a non-member as a pawn in order to always have the numbers and maintain control of every eviction; leading to the six-person alliance being the final six of the season.

Unfortunately, despite Tiffany's strategic ability, her hesitation within "The Cookout" and thoughts of taking her alliance members out of the game eventually led to her being the first member of the alliance to be evicted. Despite this flaw in her game and perhaps not being the strongest competitor, Tiffany was an extremely smart and social player, it would be a good change of pace to see how she would go about playing the game without being tethered to an alliance with a greater cause than the sole purpose of her winning the game.

Big Brother Season 26 - Photo Credits: ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
BIG BROTHER season 26 September 12 on the CBS Television Network and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on-demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the day after the episode airs)* Pictured: Chelsie Baham. Photo: CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Highest quality screengrab available.

Chelsie Baham

The most recent Big Brother winner, taking home the season 26 title - Chelsie Baham. Chelsie became just the fourth-ever winner to win via unanimous vote and became the first woman to ever accomplish that huge feat.

Despite playing a more "behind-the-scenes" type of game, Chelsie still managed to take home four Head of Household victories throughout the season and was never seen as a huge competitive threat. What made Chelsie so impressive is that she was always able to control the narrative and was able to convince her alliance members and sometimes even those outside her alliance to make the moves that would benefit her the most, despite maybe not benefiting themselves quite as much. Chelsie was not nominated until the final three, where Makensy chose to take her to the finale over Cam, who was the much easier win; feeling very reminiscent of Derrick and Cody in season 16.

Chelsie was in a class of her own in season 26, it would be fascinating to see how she would play the game against more well-versed players.

Vanessa Rousso
WPT "Playing For A Better World" Charity Poker Tournament Kick-Off Party | Valerie Macon/GettyImages

Vanessa Rousso

Despite only making a single Big Brother appearance, Vanessa Rousso is another in the conversation of best players to have never won the game. Vanessa played at a very high level in season 17, not only was she the most skilled strategist of the season, but she also had prowess as a competitor, winning four Head of Household competitions and three Power of Veto competitions throughout the season.

Being the founder of "The Sixth Sense" alliance gave Vanessa the ability to orchestrate a majority of the evictions this season and when the alliance fell, she was able to bounce back and find herself in yet another large alliance that would continue to control the game. Vanessa would unfortunately fall short in the final HoH competition to eventual winner Steve Moses, who would choose to evict Vanessa, knowing he likely would not beat her in the end.

Vanessa fell one competition short of a sure-fire victory, it would be great to see the poker legend take another shot at a Big Brother title against some of the game's very best.

BIG BROTHER Sunday October 8, (10:00 – 11:00 PM ET/PT on the CBS Television Network and live streaming on Paramount+ and PlutoTV. Pictured: Cirie Fields. Photo: CBS ©2023 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Highest quality screengrab available.

Cirie Fields

Cirie has a long list of accolades in her nearly 20-year run of appearing on competition reality shows. Cirie has played Survivor four times, finishing in the top six on three of those four occasions, and is considered to be one of the best players to have never won the game. Cirie more recently competed in and won the first season of The Traitors and finished in fifth place on season 25 of Big Brother. Cirie became the first Survivor player to compete on Big Brother and did so secretly alongside her son, Jared.

Cirie has one of the best social games we have ever seen, she has an uncanny ability to make others feel connected to her to a level that not many can and she can cut ties and make difficult decisions when she needs to. Being one of the most experienced reality competition show players ever, it would be truly interesting to see her in the mix of all-stars on Big Brother and not have to play the game worrying about her son's game as well.

Season 22 of BIG BROTHER ALL-STARS follows a group of people living together in a house outfitted with 94 HD cameras and 113 microphones, recording their every move 24 hours a day. Each week, someone will be voted out of the house, with the last remaining Houseguest receiving the grand prize of $500,000. October 22,2020 on the CBS Television Network Pictured: Nicole Franzel Photo: Best Possible Screen Grab/CBS 2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Nicole Franzel

Nicole Franzel definitely has to be considered when talking about the best female players in Big Brother history. Nicole has played three seasons of Big Brother, winning season 18 and was also crowned the winner of Big Brother: Reindeer Games. Nicole also appeared on season 16, finishing seventh, and on season 22, the second iteration of all-stars, finishing third. Nicole fell just short on season 22 in the final Head of Household competition to eventual winner Cody Calafiore, who chose to evict her, had Nicole won that competition, she could have very well become the first ever two-time Big Brother champion.

In terms of her gameplay, Nicole has always done a great job of aligning herself well and remaining well-liked, which has proven to get her far in the game; she currently holds the record for most days in the Big Brother house with a whopping 255 days. Nicole should absolutely be high on the list for the next all-star season.

Jun Song
Jun Song | Doug Benc/GettyImages

Jun Song

For those who may not know her, Jun Song is the winner of Big Brother season four. Jun has only played the game one time and has not returned since her victory over 20 years ago, she was given the call to compete on season 22, the second iteration of all-stars, but turned the offer down due to the COVID-19 pandemic occurring at the time.

In season four, Jun created the "floater" strategy, where she would play to the side of whoever was in power that given week. Jun holds quite a couple of Big Brother firsts, including being the first Asian-American to win the game and being the first winner to not have a single eviction vote cast against them on a season. Hopefully, an invitation to a future third all-star season will be in the cards for one of Big Brother's earliest winners.

Rachel Reilly hosting the Veto Comp - "Chop, Bonk, Spank" on Big Brother. BIG BROTHER follows a group of people living together in a house outfitted with 94 HD cameras and 113 microphones, recording their every move 24 hours a day. The series airs Sundays (8:00-9:00PM, ET/P/T) Wednesdays and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Best possible screengrabs/CBS 2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Rachel Reilly

"Floaters grab a life vest." Despite being just the fifth person evicted from Big Brother 12, Rachel Reilly made quite the name for herself, being one of the most brash personalities we have seen, finding herself at the center of conflict and drama nearly her entire stay.

Outside of her poor social game, Rachel also stood out from a competitive standpoint, winning two Head of Households prior to her eviction. Rachel would return with her then-fiance, Brendan, who she met on season 12 just one year later for Big Brother 13. This time Brendan would be the sixth person evicted and Rachel would really show off her ability as a competitor, winning four Head of Households and three Power of Veto competitions, which would be enough to win the game this time around despite her personality still rubbing her housemates the wrong way.

We did get to see Rachel play her own game on season one of The Traitors recently, but we still have yet to see her back in her Big Brother element following her win.