If you have not watched The Real Housewives of Dubai (RHODubai) on Bravo or Peacock, then you may not know who Chanel Ayan is. But once The Traitors Season 3 premieres on January 9, you will definitely have a better feel for this housewife, model, and businesswoman.
While we are already fans of Ayan from RHODubai, from the few glimpses of her that we have seen in the teasers, trailers, and Q&A videos that have been posted on social media, we think we might end up loving her even more. She is a fierce individual with a lot of sass and personality. When it comes to interacting with people, she has no problem calling out lies and bad behavior.
Honestly, I am pretty excited to see how Chanel Ayan takes on the many challenges that come with being on The Traitors. Considering the competitors have to do some really interesting and sometimes dirty challenges, it will be interesting to see how she handles what is in store for her. While I don't really consider her to be a diva, she definitely has that mentality at times, so I can't imagine her getting bugs dumped on her head or being buried alive without freaking out.
However, where I really think she will shine is in the round table discussions and her ability to pay attention to what people are saying and how they are acting. At least on RHODubai, it always felt like she was sensitive to the shifts in how people were behaving and would often call them out for it. So if that holds true while on The Traitors, maybe she has what it takes to get far in the game.

While it doesn't often feel like the Bravo housewives are able to make it to the end of the game because of the target that ends up on their back as part of what is often known as the Bravo alliance (we have already had one Bravo Girls Alliance), I think Chanel Ayan could change things up. I think she might even have that Kate Chastain energy that we loved in both Season 1 and 2.
I will say though that I just don't think Ayan will end up winning the whole thing. In part, I think the Bravo group is going to have a bigger target on their backs in Season 3 because of past seasons and how the network stars all seem to come together to support each other. The other faithfuls and even traitors are likely going to want them out before they become a problem.
Although I hope to see Chanel Ayan making it to the end of Season 3 of The Traitors, I think she will likely get taken out by the midway point of the game. Here's hoping I am wrong though.