We have seen just two seasons of The Traitors thus far and in those two seasons, we have had five Big Brother players thrown into the mix. Of the five, three were former winners including Dan Gheesling, Cody Calafiore, and Rachel Riley and we also had the prolific Janelle Pierzina, and Survivor legend Cirie Fields became a Big Brother alumni shortly after her victory on season one of The Traitors.
Since Cirie's victory came before her stint on Big Brother 25, we really have yet to see a Big Brother player win The Traitors, but we definitely have seen just how entertaining they have been on the show. With that being said, I personally would love to see some of the non-Big Brother/Survivor cast members try their hand at one of the longer-standing competition reality shows, namely Big Brother in this instance.
Below are the five cast members from The Traitors that top my list to make a run at Big Brother.

Peter Weber
The Bachelor was much more than what met the eye in season two of The Traitors. Peter was extremely strategic with his gameplay throughout the entire season and really led the Faithful charge, devising a plan that exposed Traitors Dan Gheesling and Parvati Shallow, two of the greatest competition reality show players ever, which eventually led to both of them being voted out of the game.
Peter's biggest downfall was creating a very public alliance that openly left others out and asked those outside of the alliance to leave rooms when they were having private discussions. He eventually found himself on the wrong side of the numbers and was voted out of the game.
For his first outing on the competition side of reality TV, Peter showed a very high level of gamesmanship, outgunning one of, if not the, best Big Brother players ever in Dan. It would only be right to see if Peter could have similar success in Big Brother and if he would learn from his mistakes and adjust his game!

Kate Chastain
Kate is the only player to play The Traitors twice and with good reason. Kate has become a fan favorite for her no-nonsense attitude and willingness to call everyone and anyone out. Kate went far in both seasons of The Traitors and was someone that was loved and hated. She also has experience as both a Faithful and Traitor, which can definitely help translate to Big Brother.
As a fan of Big Brother, I think Kate would be able to adapt well, would be a big-time fan favorite, and make the game very fun.

Phaedra Parks
Phaedra handled herself extremely well as a Traitor in season 2 of The Traitors. She went under the radar for a very long time and was able to gain and maintain the trust of her castmates, which is exactly what Big Brother is all about. The biggest feather in her cap was Phaedra being able to go toe-to-toe with her fellow Traitor Dan Gheesling when he tried to turn the house against Phaedra and expose her game.
As stated earlier, Dan is one of the best Big Brother players of all time, if you can stand your ground with him, you probably would be able to do pretty well on Big Brother.
Christian De La Torre
Unlike season two, season one of The Traitors featured some people outside of reality TV stardom. Christian, being a Traitor, was probably the biggest standout of those players. You could tell Christian genuinely enjoyed playing the game, he wholeheartedly embraced the role of Traitor and was a very big personality.
These are characteristics that make for fun gameplay, someone like Christian who isn't afraid to lie to his housemates, and now has some prior experience doing so, could make for a very fun Big Brother casting. His big personality could definitely get him into some hot water and cause him to be an early boot, but nevertheless, he would be very entertaining from the jump and would play the game hard.

Trishelle Cannatella
The Challenge veteran turned The Traitors season two winner really showed her intellect during her victory run. Trishelle was the one person who was able to piece together that Phaedra was a Traitor before anyone else had an inkling, really flexing her critical thinking abilities.
When Dan tried to out Phaedra as a Traitor, which ultimately led to him being voted out of the game, Trishelle was the single person who really started to think, why would Dan do that? She put together that Dan was trying to feed the Faithful a Traitor in order to save himself and to look good to the rest of the group, which is exactly what was going on.
Trishelle has a ton of experience in competition reality shows and I for one, would love to see her keep the ball rolling with an appearance on Big Brother.