5 players expelled from Big Brother

While most players eventually get voted out by their Housemates and evicted on Big Brother, some players actually self-evict for personal reasons or get ejected for breaking the rules. Here are the five contestants who have been expelled from the show over its 26 seasons on CBS.
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"Hollyscoop Entertainment News Show" Taping | Michael Bezjian/GettyImages

The whole goal of Big Brother is trying to survive eviction from week to week. But between having to eat slop, dealing with Team Ants, and avoiding the block, some players have proven to be their own worst enemies through the years.

Only five ejections have occurred on the American civilian version of this beloved reality competition TV show, with two men getting the boot from Studio City in the first four seasons.

And four of the five evictions have been men, for various reasons we will talk about below. Let’s see who got kicked out, when, and why, and tell you why these choices by the producers had little impact on who ended up winning those five seasons.

Justin Sebik, Big Brother 2

The first Houseguest to ever be expelled from the Big Brother house was Justin Sebik. In Season 2, the Bayonne, New Jersey native was taken out of the game on Day 10 after producers had seen enough of his act. 

With inebriated Houseguest Krista Stegall lying on a table in the kitchen, Justin playfully held a knife to her throat and said, “Seriously, would you get mad if I killed you?” as he kissed her. He was immediately called to the Diary Room.

After Justin talked to the show’s psychologist, the producers determined they had seen enough, between the destruction of property, erratic behavior, and threats to fellow contestants, he was expelled. 

Sebik later said that he was just playing around, but the show decided to use plastic cutlery for some seasons after that incident. His expulsion had no real effect on the game as he would have had no chance at winning, let alone surviving very long in the game.

Big Brother 2 was won by one of the best players ever in the game, Dr. Will Kirby.

Scott Weintraub, Big Brother 4

Two seasons later on Big Brother 4 in a season that featured an “X-Factor” twist, Scott Weintraub was expelled for going ballistic and scaring other Houseguests and breaking furniture when he learned that his ex-girlfriend Amanda Craig was in the cast.

Scott was bounced on Day 8, but his anger toward production, unhappiness at the fact Amanda was there, and throwing chairs around the house forced production to call him into the Diary Room.

“You come in and get me,” Scott chapped the DR when they asked him to come in. He was immediately ejected, but like Justin, he had no shot at winning the game as he didn’t want to play once he learned of the “X-Factor” twist.

The winner of Big Brother 4 turned out to be Jun Song in one of the six seasons we have seen an all-women Final 2 on the show.

Chima Simone, Big Brother 11

On Big Brother 11, we saw one of the best blowups and meltdowns from a cast member when Chima Simone became the first and only female Houseguest to be ejected from the game. It was a slow boil, but after losing her ally Jessie Godderz, she started to lose her mind slowly.

“I’m not giving them the satisfaction of voting me out of the house,” Chima said when she knew the writing was on the wall and 

On Day 42, production told Chima to get her microphone several times, and when she refused, Kevin Campbell got her a mic and Natalie Martinez took it and handed it to her as Chima was practicing for a golf PoV competition in the backyard. Chima took the mic, promptly turned around, and flung it into the swimming pool.

Producers had enough of her disobedience and destruction of show property and called her to the Diary Room in one of the most dramatic moments in the show’s history. Her drama helped the ratings spike and her blow-up landed her on People Magazine’s “Reality TV’s 10 Best Catfights & Meltdowns.”

Jordan Lloyd won the season but West Hollywood resident and USC graduate Chima (8th place) had no shot anyway as she alienated most of the cast, took her head out of the game after Jessie was evicted, and had one HoH win (Week 5) and no PoVs.

Willie Hantz, Big Brother 14

The fourth player to be evicted from the show was Willie Hantz on Big Brother 14, the brother of three-time Survivor competitor Russell Hantz. Why did Willie get expelled? For the same reason as Chima—bad temperament and decisions.

On Day 14, the then 34-year-old Willie went absolutely berserk and swore at the female Houseguests, threw pork rinds at Janelle Pierzina, and headbutted Joe Arvin in the bathroom. Production called him to the Diary Room immediately, and he was expelled.

It was the only time a contestant on BB was removed for a physical altercation.

Ian Terry beat Dan Gheesling in that memorable season which also featured “Dan’s Funeral.” The season was also unique in that four players were gone in the first 20 days with Jodi Rollins being voted out on Day 1 by her Coach, Dan, Kara Monaco being evicted on Day 14, Willie getting the boot on Day 14, and JoJo Spatafora being evicted on Day 20.

Luke Valentine, Big Brother 25

On Big Brother 25, Luke Valentine’s mouth got him evicted when the 30-year-old illustrator from Coral Springs, Florida was removed from the house on Day 8 for his use of a racial slur. During a conversation with Cory Wurtenberger, Hisam, Goueli, and Jared Fields in the bedroom, the n-word slipped out and stunned the guys in the room.

He was promptly evicted for violating the show’s code of conduct by using a racial slur. But to make matters worse, Luke contended he was trying to say the word “narwhal". Come on man. A week later he would go on Instagram Live to dispute production’s decision.

Claiming he was sleep-deprived, malnourished, and suffering from psychological distress, Luke argued that “a slap on the wrist would have been much better,” but the waves of rabid BB fans on Twitter and other social media demanding his removal made it easy for the producers to just take him out for that one word.

Odds are, Luke wouldn’t have survived the record 100 days that season anyway which was ultimately won by Jag Bains in a 5 to 2 jury vote over his ally Matt Klotz.