Season 26 of Big Brother might be over, but it is still living rent-free in our heads. And thanks to the fact that we can’t let this season go, we decided to think about the cast, and who we would want to see on The Amazing Race.
Considering the variety of personalities we saw on BB 26, there are a number of people we could see taking on the challenge of The Amazing Race. And we have seen plenty of Big Brother players take part in the series. We have even seen one couple from Big Brother win. So it just makes sense that we would want to see some of the players from this season take on this global race challenge.
While we don’t necessarily have duos that we could see taking on the race, there are four BB 26 players that we think would be a great addition to The Amazing Race. So which players are they?
4 Big Brother 26 players we want on The Amazing Race
Cedric - One of the reasons that we like Cedric is because we actually follow him on social media. We started following him when he was introduced on BB 26. Not only did we like him on the show, but we also think that his personality and his ability to take on a variety of challenges would be a great fit for this competition. Racing around the world seems like it would be perfect for him.
Quinn - Quinn was a great competitor. And it’s probably a good thing that they took him out when they did. It seemed like he had what it took to win Big Brother. His ability to handle the challenges that came his way makes us think that he would be amazing on The Amazing Race. He also seems like someone who could work with another player, so having him racing as part of a duo seems like it would work in his favor.
Rubina - There is something about Rubina that we really liked. She had a lot of personality and she did know how to play the game. She also seemed eager to take on the challenges that the players were faced with, so it would make sense to have her take on more challenges on a show like The Amazing Race. Perhaps we do have another player from the season that she could easily race with…Tucker.
Tucker - It probably comes as no surprise that our last pick is none other than Tucker. Not only do we think that he would make a great duo with Rubina, but we could also see him racing with Cedric or Quinn. He is the kind of player that we just want to see on our screens again. He was enigmatic and engaging. He knew how to play the game even if the game ended up playing him. And we would love to see him in a competition series where it’s not about popularity, but rather how good you are at the challenges and handling whatever comes your way.